Study, design, installation and operating procedures for buses using LPG/diesel fuel

  • Dao Van Tuan
  • Tran Mai Khoi
  • Vu An
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
  • Hoang Mai Chi
  • Ta Quang Minh
  • Luong Van Thuong
  • Nguyen Van Nhan
Keywords: Design, dual fuel LPG/diesel


The use of the dual fuel LPG/diesel has been quite popular all over the world as one kind of alternative fuel and contributes to reduction of environmental pollution. However in Vietnam, LPG/diesel trials have only been carried out on diesel vehicles for research purposes.
In this paper, the principles of the design, installation and operating procedures of dual fuel vehicles will be presented. Moreover, the authors make recommendations for using LPG on diesel engines and propose that some policies and mechanisms to be developed for the sustainable development and effective use of LPG/diesel for transportation in Vietnam.


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Vũ An và nnk. Nghiên cứu sử dụng lưỡng nhiên liệu diesel/khí hóa lỏng (LPG) đồng thời chuyển đổi động cơ diesel trên xe buýt theo hướng phù hợp nhằm giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường tại các đô thị lớn ở Việt Nam. Viện Dầu khí Việt Nam. 2010.

Blackmer Dover Company. Liquefied gas handbook. 2008.

Fitting Instructions. Platinum series led map ecu under-bonnet LPG kit.

Doosan Infracore. Maitenance Manual, Diesel Engine D1146, D1146TI, D1146TIS. 6.

How to Cite
Tuan, D. V., Khoi, T. M., An, V., Hien, N. T. T., Chi, H. M., Minh, T. Q., Thuong, L. V., & Nhan, N. V. (2014). Study, design, installation and operating procedures for buses using LPG/diesel fuel. Petrovietnam Journal, 12, 44-49. Retrieved from

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