Extracting polyphenol compounds from green tea leaves and studying their inhibitory activity on the polymerisation process

  • Do Chiem Tai
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
  • A.F. Gogatov
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The study shows that the polyphenol compounds extracted from green tea leaves are capable of inhibiting radical reactions occurring during thermal processing of petroleum products. In laboratory conditions, polyphenol compounds have relatively high activity in inhibiting the polymerisation of unsaturated compounds in pyrocondensate (liquid products of pyrolysis of hydrocarbons) under high temperature (~ 130oC). The results of the study indicate that the polyphenol compounds from green tea leaves can be used instead of industrial inhibitor 2,6-di-tertbutyl-4-metylphenol (ionol), especially in Vietnam where the supply of material (old tea leaves) is plentiful and inexpensive.


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How to Cite
Tai, D. C., Trang, N. T. T., & Gogatov, A. (2013). Extracting polyphenol compounds from green tea leaves and studying their inhibitory activity on the polymerisation process. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 34-41. Retrieved from http://www.pvj.com.vn/index.php/TCDK/article/view/643